Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Week 3 has been GREAT!!!!

Dec 15 2010      Week 3 has been GREAT!!!!

This has been a really good week. I went in to the oncology clinic on Monday and got a liter of fluid infused. The Dr visit was encouraging. My blood values are good and Dr thinks I’m doing really well through the chemo. There were no changes in the meds which I’ve been taking to control the side effects.

On Tuesday I felt good enough to go out to lunch with Joan. We went to the Mint, an Asian Fusion restaurant. I was so hungry for Thai food and the Mint is one of my favorites. It was good to be out with Joan.

Today was another good day… good that I got to play in my sewing room!! Man, did that feel GOOD. I can’t tell you what I am making because I’m making Christmas presents. I was just glad to be back playing with my toys. And as I was rummaging around in the storage closet I found a few dozen projects that are fairly mindless. So maybe in Jan on week 3 of chemo 3 I can work on a few of these projects.

For the last 3 nights I have slept all night which is a wonderful event. Generally I’m awake several hours throughout the night and can’t drift back off to sleep. So I listen to NPR and/or the BBC. Believe me I know entirely too much about the UK’s financial situation and the political situations in Africa. I appreciate having the XM satellite radio. There are so many good options that I can find a station to fit my mood regardless of how crazy I am that night. We got the XM radio to use in the Jeep when we are driving both in the MidWest and between Dallas and Tucson …. There is NOTHING or worse for long stretches on both of those regions. I hadn’t anticipated needing a world of radio stations to get me through nights here in the city.

Help me celebrate a GREAT week 3.

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